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To: Auditor-General Karen Hogan

We demand plain language from government

The Canadian government has long supported plain language communication. The communication policy calls for clear communication. [Policy on Communications and Federal Identity Policy, Section 4.3]

Former Auditor General Sheila Fraser ensured that annual department audits checked on compliance with the communication policy that then specifically called for plain language.

Why is this important?

Communications and Federal Identity Policy Government, Section 4.3 communications must be objective, factual, non-partisan, clear, and written in plain language. The communications function entails more than simply providing or receiving information. The way in which the government delivers its communications affects the value of the information, how it is received by the public, and the credibility of its source. Tailoring messages to specific audiences increases the impact of how the information is received.
The policy requires that the communications of all departments meet the requirements of the WCAG. [Section 6.3.5]

"The Government of Canada has adopted the WCAG 2.0: "Following these guidelines will make content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users in general."
Section 7.1 of the Policy provides for consequences including corrective actions. Minimal consequences are:
Minimal Consequences

* Training and education
* Persuasion
* Coaching/mentoring

There are also moderate and more severe consequences.

How it will be delivered

We will submit this petition as a Public Enquiry to [email protected]
and to the Auditor General herself.



2022-01-14 22:16:06 -0500

10 signatures reached