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To: All voters in the Skeena Riding: Pledge to vote for clean air in the Kitimat and Terrace area

Kitimat Terrace Clean Air Petition

If we want the best possible air quality in the Kitimat/Terrace valley, we need the Provincial Government to pressure Rio Tinto to install SO2 scrubbers in their plant in Kitimat.

Why is this important?

Since the Rio Tinto modernization, the province has given the Kitimat smelter permission to increase Sulphur Dioxide emissions from 27 tonnes per day up to 42 tonnes per day.

The citizens of Kitimat and Terrace want the highest standard of air quality for human health and the environment. To achieve this, we need the commitment of the next Provincial Government to require Rio Tinto to install scrubbers. This technology is in many other aluminum smelters around the world and is environmentally safe.




2017-01-27 22:23:38 -0500

100 signatures reached

2017-01-27 14:14:50 -0500

50 signatures reached

2017-01-27 01:26:07 -0500

25 signatures reached

2017-01-23 00:25:52 -0500

10 signatures reached