To: U.N Peace Office VISA Citizens
Chinese U.N Peace Keepers In Mexico.
To avoid a nuclear war and raise visibility of peace U.N Peace Keepers by invitation to Mexico can demonstrate international policy decisions to U.S policy makers and assist U.S citizens in creating an out come with peace as the
Why is this important?
A U.S citizen Gerald Celente raised an important point about reaction of U.S policy makers about troops from China on the border. U.N Peace Keepers would be different. Also it would raise visibility of peace keeping to counter propaganda narrative of China being an adversary. in addition the mission could be a UNODOC one coordinated with Cuba to open a joint Mexican, Chinese,Cuban UNODOC office in my Miami to counter another source of contention as a Miami had a reputation for drug trade. In addition acknowledgement of existence of Kurdistan in Asia might help with problems in Turkey the Kurdish Peace Keepers sent to join. Then Sweden abd Finland send Peace Keepers to Mexico and change analysis of BBC NATO belligerance