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To: Mayor Martin and Norfolk County Councillors

Protect Norfolk County Drinking Water and Farmland. We Need to Act Now!

Say no to to the expansion on farmland on the west side of Simcoe, including West Street McDowell Road, Hillcrest Road and Hillcrest subdivision areas. These lands are part of the Kent Creek well head protection area and supply our drinking water. In addition, Kent Creek is the primary source of water wells that supply drinking water to the urban areas of Simcoe.

Why is this important?

Development in close proximity can put our drinking water at risk.

The Grow Norfolk Study identified that any proposed development must be evaluated for "... the protection, conservation and careful management of the surface and groundwater resources to ensure safe drinking water supplies are maintained for however long they are needed.”

Simcoe Residents have a voice.
Call your councillors. Attend the council meeting on May 22nd at 5pm.


2024-08-07 16:25:44 -0400

Please note that Norfolk County's official plan amendment that was adopted by council requires approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing . The Official Plan amendment has been posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for comments. Your comments are appreciated particularly if concern about our environment and protecting our farmland and drinking water. Comments can be added by accessing this link:

2024-07-09 21:09:34 -0400

There is a Town Hall meeting hosted by citizen group "Norfolk Advocating Responsible Development" on Wed. July 10.24 at 7:30pm held at the Simcoe Legion, 200 West Street. Please use the Metcalfe Street Entrance. Reaching out to the public to join in and have a voice and make a difference for responsible development.

2024-05-23 22:19:14 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-22 21:52:28 -0400

Unfortunately the Official Plan Amendment passed at council with Councillor Bruton and Councillor Huffman voting against the plan. This means that the institutional site will be included in the urban boundary expansion and I have been advised that HA for this site is greater than originally anticipated. Even though several deputations were made and alot of the deputations talked about protecting our primary agricultural land and wellheads the deputations were not taken seriously by council. Norfolk County loses.

2024-05-22 14:06:49 -0400

Meeting for deputations start at 5:00pm may need to come earlier to get a seat.

2024-05-22 14:06:04 -0400

Petition will be presented at Council today when making deputation. Thank you for all that signed the online petition (97) and paper petition (99) for a total of 196 signatures. If you are able to come to town hall for council meeting numbers will help re-enforce the need to protect our farmland and water. I will give another update after council meeting.

2024-05-17 13:09:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-14 22:14:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-12 11:48:40 -0400

10 signatures reached