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To: Matthew Lawson - CEO Georgian Bay General Hospital, Carmine Stumpo - CEO Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Gail Hunt - CEO Royal Victoria Hospital, Michael Lacroix - CEO Collingwood General and Marine Hospital,

Local CEO's MUST Speak Out Against Privatized Health Care

Dear CEO,

Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario has withheld billions from Health Care to prove that privatization is the only solution to our broken and burnt out Health Care System in Ontario.

But that is not the case. Private clinics, despite the Canada Health Act and the loopholes that exist, will allow private clinics to upsell better service for those that can afford to pay. This will leave those who depend on public health care to still be on a waiting list while those that can pay out of pocket, will be first on the list. These clinics will be FOR PROFIT and will not solve any of the issues we currently see, they will actually be an additional burden to our Health Care in Ontario.

Will you speak out publicly against privatization? Will you let Doug Ford know you are against private, for profit clinics?

Your voice is powerful and can turn the tide on bill 60. Will you speak out today?

Thank you.

Why is this important?

We all know that privatization will only create a much bigger back log for those who depend solely on publicly funded health care.

Those with money will always be first to receive services from these private clinics. They will take much needed hospital doctors and nurses to work in these clinics. They will also allow those with no experience in health care, work in these clinics.

The Canada Health Act has loopholes that will allow this to happen. The Federal Government cannot pull money from Ontario as long as these loopholes exist. Premier Ford is well aware of the loopholes and will use them to the fullest extent. If you depend on publicly funded health care, it is important that CEO's of all hospitals in Simcoe/Muskoka stand up and speak out against privatization and allow the billions Doug Ford has withheld, according to the Provincial Budgeting Officer, flow into better salaries for nursing staff to attract more nurses in our hospitals, more seats available for new physicians to practice in our hospitals and in the community. This is the solution, not private, for profit clinics.

Please sign the petition which will be directed to all the above CEO's letting them know, we are not for Privatization, but for more money to flow into the current public health care system so everyone, regardless of financial status, will get quicker, reliable health care in our Hospitals, Family Health Teams, Community Health Centers and Aboriginal Health Access Centers. They must speak out on our behalf because their voices are powerful in turning the tide on Privatization.

Thank you!


2023-05-14 16:30:25 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-05-13 21:37:55 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-05-13 16:27:02 -0400

10 signatures reached