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To: Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy and Premier Ford

Invest in Ontarians

While people across Ontario are struggling to afford groceries, find housing, and access healthcare and other basic services, your government is hiding away $22.6 billion – and cutting funding to public services.

The reality is that our public services are crumbling, and austerity and spending cuts are only making them fall apart faster.

Thanks to a report from the Financial Accountability Office, we now know that you could be doing so much more to invest in Ontarians. We, the undersigned, urge you to create a transparent plan to put the $22.6 billion set aside as "excess funds" towards desperately-needed public services and support.

Why is this important?

The Ford government is sitting on $22.6 billion of so-called “excess funds” – money stashed away from the public purse that they have no plan to spend any time soon. Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy claims the FAO’s report doesn’t reflect new government spending. [1] But if the province’s growing budget surpluses haven’t been allocated to any public programs, where is this money going?

There are so many ways that $22.6 billion could make a difference. Ford and Bethlenfalvy could use it to: fund our public health care system, build more housing, increase disability support funding, support public transit infrastructure, or invest in our education system.

And that's just to name a few.

A massive petition from thousands of us across the province – demanding that Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy and Premier Ford stop stashing away billions of dollars and instead invest in public services for Ontarians – can ensure these “excess funds” are put to good use. Will you add your name today?




2023-06-30 13:05:40 -0400

10,000 signatures reached

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5,000 signatures reached

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached