To: Doug Ford

Housing is a basic human right, not a commodity.

Without regulations on the amount of houses, that were built as single family dwellings, that an individual or corporation can own, the housing supply becomes depleted which drives the rice of housing. I call on the Ontario government to set a cap on the number of single family homes that an individual or corporation can own.

Why is this important?

Access to housing should be a basic human right. In order for housing to be accessible it must be affordable. By placing a cap on the number of houses one can own, supply would be increased as houses owned above the cap would be required to be put on the market.

If you could imagine tap water was unsafe and all drinking water was bottled, the housing issue that is the subject of this petition is analogous to someone buying as much bottled water as possible from the grocery store and then selling sips to people at greatly inflated prices.