To: The Liberals and NDP need to fulfil their promises to sex workers

Fully decriminalize sex work in Canada

Due to the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (Bill C-36), enacted by the federal government in 2014, most aspects of the sex trade continue to be criminalized. These laws perpetuate the conditions that lead to violence, harm and discrimination against sex workers. The full decriminalization of sex work in Canada is an urgently necessary step to protect the health, safety and human rights of all sex workers. The Liberals and NDP need to deliver on their promise to immediately and fully scrap Bill C-36 and make all sexual transactions between consenting adults completely legal by fully decriminalizing all types of sex work in Canada.

Why is this important?

“There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation” ... Quote by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
No politician or government official should have the right to interfere in the private sexual lives of consenting adults who choose to participate in and partake in sex work.