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To: The Pro-Gridlock Lobby

End Metro Vancouver’s Traffic Gridlock Now!

Sign The Petition To End The Traffic Gridlock Across Metro Vancouver NOW!

Why is this important?

Metro Vancouver has some of the worst traffic congestion and gridlock in North America.

The average commuter spends 93 hours a year stuck in traffic. For every hour we spend on the road, about 41 minutes are wasted in traffic delays!

Gridlock is also choking our regional economy to the tune of $750 million a year and making travel more expensive for us all.

Crowded busses, bumper to bumper traffic, goods and services wasting idle time on the roads -- this is bad for our environment, and our communities overall.

We’re heading into a crucial referendum that could either end this awful gridlock through new mass transportation options, or leave us stuck in this traffic mess for generations.

We know that political forces with their own agendas will try to clamp down on anything that challenges the status quo, but we must get a YES vote in this referendum.

To succeed we need as many people as possible to push back against the pro-gridlock lobby.

Sign The Petition To End The Traffic Gridlock Across Metro Vancouver NOW >>



2014-12-12 14:06:56 -0500

50 signatures reached

2014-12-12 12:03:29 -0500

25 signatures reached

2014-12-12 10:56:25 -0500

10 signatures reached