To: Faculty, staff, and students at Toronto Metropolitan University

Un-invite David Frum as Keynote Speaker at Democratic Engagement Exchange Event at TMU

We are writing to express our strong opposition to the Democratic Engagement Exchange's decision to host David Frum on June 5, 2024 as the keynote speaker for the campus event, “Democracy's Reckoning: Crisis in the U.S., Lessons for Canada.” The decision to spotlight Frum is troubling and offensive, for several reasons but especially due to his history of Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian views and actions. Giving Frum special access to this prominent platform at Toronto Metropolitan University impugns the university’s values of inclusion and respect and runs counter to definitions of democracy, more broadly.

Frum's past statements and policy positions are well-documented. As a speechwriter for former U.S. President George W. Bush, Frum is known for coining the term “axis of evil,” which significantly contributed to the Islamophobic rhetoric that justified the invasion of Iraq. His endorsement of this war, which was based on fabricated evidence, resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and destabilized the region. This conflict disproportionately affected Muslim communities, cementing negative stereotypes that still harm Muslims worldwide.

Frum's anti-Palestinian stance is just as concerning. In his writings and public statements, he has frequently supported policies that deny the basic human rights of Palestinians. He has justified Israel's continued occupation and expansion into Palestinian territories and minimized the harsh realities of life under occupation. Such views contribute to the marginalization of Palestinian communities and ignore their rights to self-determination and statehood.

Bringing Frum to TMU as a keynote speaker gives him undue legitimacy and an unearned platform to spread his beliefs. It stands in stark contrast to the university's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Many students, faculty and staff at TMU are offended by this decision. By hosting Frum, TMU risks undermining its dedication to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Furthermore, the framing of the event suggests that Frum will offer lessons for Canadian democracy from the U.S. political crisis. While it's important to understand global challenges, Frum's perspective is inherently limited and unconscionable.

We urge you to rescind Frum's invitation as keynote speaker and instead seek a voice that aligns with the university's values of inclusivity, fairness and respect. Discussions of democracy deserve to be informed by individuals who can constructively and inclusively contribute to a justice-orientedbetter understanding of our collective future.

Why is this important?

It is important for others to join in signing this petition to demonstrate to President Lachemi, Professor Beebe, and Dean Peng the significant opposition to the Islamophobic and anti-Palestine views held by David Frum because those views are not representative of the TMU community, but even more importantly, they are harmful and incite violence.