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To: Ruby Sahota

Bramptonians for Climate Action and a Strong Emissions Cap on Oil & Gas

The United Nations has made clear that to limit warming in line with science — to 1.5 degrees — global emissions have to drop 7.6% every year this decade. It's simply impossible for Canada to do its part without effectively limiting oil and gas emissions.

As our representative in Ottawa, we call on you to advocate for a strong cap on emissions that will:
1) Limit oil and gas companies so they won't ever pollute higher than current levels again;
2) Reduce emissions immediately and set real targets for net zero at 2050;
3) Includes emissions from all sources and not just extraction of new reserves but pipelines, refineries and burning of fossil fuels;
4) Not undermine the capacity to phase out fossil fuel subsidies;
5) Lays a foundation for a just transition that builds millions of decent, low carbon jobs, and respects Indigenous rights & sovereignty.

As the Government considers new climate policy, we urge you to bring our voices to the table to advocate for a strong emissions cap with your colleagues in caucus and in debates. Our futures depend on us taking courageous action to address the climate crisis now and we look forward to working with you on this.

Why is this important?

Let's show that people in Brampton support a strong policy to reduce emissions from the oil and gas sector. This sector represents 5% of Canada's economy but 26% of our emissions. The time for acting and instituting policy to mandate real change to address the climate crisis is now.


2022-11-29 19:56:19 -0500

10 signatures reached