To: BC Hydro and Provincial NDP MLAs
BC's Economic Future
Dear Ministers, cancel any further wasteful expenditures at Site C Dam and remediate the environmental damage already caused.
Why is this important?
After participating in a Narwhal (non-profit investigative journalism) online presentation, like hundreds of others, regarding Site C Dam, I have never heard of such engineering and economic illiteracy in my entire career. The predatory practices of SNC-Lavalin alone raises a red flag.
In spite of the economic damage caused by the pandemic, decisions like Site C Dam will exacerbate the economy of Province of British Columbia for generations. The very first requirement for competing on the Global Stage is low-cost energy and associated infrastructure. Otherwise, there is no long-term job creation. Site C Dam is short-term construction jobs and long-term economic debt obligations, in a dying economy. Off-shore or out-of-province project workers don't even offer training for BC tradesman, let alone opportunities for First Nations' people.
I won't even get into the environmental damage and the wide spectrum of remediation costs associated with such a callous and uninformed decision.
In spite of the economic damage caused by the pandemic, decisions like Site C Dam will exacerbate the economy of Province of British Columbia for generations. The very first requirement for competing on the Global Stage is low-cost energy and associated infrastructure. Otherwise, there is no long-term job creation. Site C Dam is short-term construction jobs and long-term economic debt obligations, in a dying economy. Off-shore or out-of-province project workers don't even offer training for BC tradesman, let alone opportunities for First Nations' people.
I won't even get into the environmental damage and the wide spectrum of remediation costs associated with such a callous and uninformed decision.