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To: Mr. Adam Vaughan Liberal M.P. Trinity-Spadina/Spadina-Fort York


Dear Friends and Neighbours in Trinity-Spadina (Now Spadina Fort-York),

In early May, Adam Vaughan, Liberal M.P. Trinity-Spadina, voted “Yes” to Bill C-51 because Justin Trudeau whipped the Liberal Party vote in support of Stephen Harper’s “Secret Police” Bill.

We are very disappointed by his support for the Harper Conservatives’ fear campaign. As residents of Trinity-Spadina, now University-Rosedale and Spadina Fort-York, we hoped our Liberal elected representative, Mr. Adam Vaughan, M.P., would, at the very least, stand with our community to reject this fear-based legislation Prime Minister Steven Harper has bought and sold to Canadians.

Before we can vote for him again this October 19th, 2015, the day of our Federal General Election, we need to hear Adam’s commitment to one simple thing:

Voting to fully repeal Bill C-51 if elected to the next Parliament.

If he can’t stand up when it matters the most, then why should we expect him to stand up at all?

Why is this important?

We know that the only reason Adam Vaughan voted to support C-51 is because Justin Trudeau forced his M.P.’s to support it for tactical and political reasons. He made that decision before people learned about what was in Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Bill.

The tide quickly turned and a vast majority of the public now opposes this scary legislation, despite the passage of the bill in the House of Commons.

Now, with a majority of Liberal Senators rejecting their party leader’s position on this vague and dangerous law, there is no more political or tactical reason forcing Adam Vaughan to support infringing on our basic civil liberties.

With an election looming, we will consider this a performance review for our Member of Parliament, and it comes with one very explicit condition for renewal of his term as our representative in the new riding of Spadina-Fort York:

We need to hear a commitment from him to fully repeal Bill C-51.


2015-05-25 22:17:13 -0400

50 signatures reached

2015-05-25 15:31:44 -0400

25 signatures reached

2015-05-25 14:24:41 -0400

10 signatures reached