• Allow Internationally Trained Doctors (IMG) to Serve in BC!
    Currently the government is calling for retired physicians and nurses to re-register to deal with COVID-19 pandemic, and their services are so appreciated; however, we are neglecting the fact that we also have a sizeable number of Internationally-trained health professionals who have come to Canada from various avenues, from skilled migrants to refugees, who have the skills to help in this crisis, but currently cannot practice because it is exceedingly difficult to have their credentials recognized. It makes little sense in this time of crisis that there are members of our community who may need medical assistance at the same time as having members of our communities who could help but are currently not allowed to practice. It is worth mentioning that one of the main reasons for the occurrence of medical errors is a high workload of physicians. Therefore, recruitment of IMGs can improve the quality of care from different aspects, make medical services accessible to all Canadians, and prevent much harm to IMGs and their families. The current bylaw amendments proposed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (read more here: https://globalnews.ca/news/6774818/bc-associate-physician-foreign-trained-doctors-coronavirus/) is a step in the right direction, and we applaud the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC and the Ministry of Health for taking action. However, we believe more needs to be done to strengthen this amendment to help British Columbians, and the IMGs during this time and for the future. Now is the time to let a group of highly skilled New Canadians be part of the solution to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. As Dr John Blatherwick, former Medical Health Officer of Vancouver Coastal Health said: “Now is the time for us to consider foreign-trained graduates that we have in our community. We have an army of physicians, who can help bravely… This is a good time to sit down and say, Okay! We haven’t tackled this problem. We wasted all those people’s talents, and now we could use them.”
    1,796 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by TrainedToSaveLives
  • Workers claiming Federal Covid 19 benefits will cause loss of spouses' disability income!
    Did you know, that if one spouse works full time, and the other receives ODSP Disability income, if that working spouse, gets furloughed, or laid off, and applies for the Covid 19 federal support benefit, ODSP will claw back those funds from the ODSP Recipients benefit dollar for dollar? How does this allow workers, to support their vulnerable family members? This was the answer from the ODSP Disability office, to my disabled husband, who recently suffered a heart attack! Why is this happening during a National Emergency and global pandemic? What use, will the Federal Assistance be, to a furloughed worker, if it is deducted dollar for dollar by the Province? It leaves us in the same reduced financial situation! No income from work, and having to live solely, on the paltry amount left over after clawbacks by ODSP? How can a worker help his/her vulnerable family members to prepare for sheltering at home, and purchase enough supplies to survive, in this national and global pandemic? Yet, both Federal and Provincial Governments strongly advise us to stay home? With the ODSP mandates, as they stand, how is this possible? I find it strange that neither the Federal Government, nor Provincial Government, has even addressed this? There is literally a media blackout on these questions. Why is this so? In calling a certain MPP's office, to ask these same questions, one of the responses given to me by his Representative, was; "We don't want anyone defrauding the system...not you of course!" This obviously insensitive, and cruel comment, should not be directed to the public by a Representative, speaking on behalf of an elected Official! Especially during a health crisis! I don't see how a worker, asking legitimate questions, has anything to with "defrauding" the Province! I don't understand why no one is addressing ODSP Disability Recipients, directly, in their public messages, to alleviate the stress and uncertainty, to answer any questions during a global pandemic? Seems cruel to ignore the most vulnerable...when the Provincial Government "claims" they wish to "protect ALL the People in Ontario?" Does the Federal Government know that this is happening, at the provincial level, during this crisis? The discretionary funds promised by the Provincial Government, to ODSP Recipients are not available at ODSP Offices. ODSP Caseworkers, whom have received many calls, have no information to offer, nor funding! There are many, including low-income senior citizens and ODSP Disability Recipients, out of food and supplies. Not only due to having little or no funding, but unable to obtain their necessities due to others' hoarding!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bea Castro-Leeman
  • Credit Card Interest
    This will give all of us some hope during the pandemic and the future.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Hill
  • Hazard Pay for all underpaid Essential Workers in Canada
    Many people are making $11.30- $27 an hour to risk their safety, and/or endanger their vulnerable housemates. This is grotesquely unacceptable. Personal care workers across Canada make $11-15 an hour work in close contact with vulnerable and sick people all day. As an RPN/LPN in Ontario, I can make $22 an hour being a nurse in my town. Is that enough to put me and my elderly parents that I live with the highest risk situation our country has seen in years? Meanwhile white collar workers are relying on us all to provide them with food, groceries, clean long-term care homes, and healthcare, while they get to remain in the safety of their nice condos and houses that they own. COVID-19 has made many more poor people risk their safety than wealthier ones, and in a rich and developed nation, that is shameful. Please sign this and share widely, - a fellow concerned citizen
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tamara Raizok
  • Monthly Allowances for ALL Canadians
    This would stream line the entire process. There would be no need for EI claims (therefore no need for extra staff, which equals less chance of exposure), no need for OW reporting (again, more workers could be at home), no need for mortgage deferrals, bans on utility cut offs, student loan deferrals, ect, ect. ALL of these issues, and more, would no longer be a problem period. This would also address the concerns of people the current programs do not cover by giving the people who are left out allowences as well.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordyn Otto
  • Force banks and credit card companies to suspend interest on mortgages and loans
    EVERYBODY is taking a hit. Shouldn’t the big banks and credit card companies be forced to suspend interest until this is over? A pause on payments is not enough. People are being laid off, businesses forced to close. Why are the banks getting a pass?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Miller
  • Let Canadians aged 60 to 64 receive their OAS and GIS pensions early.
    Many of us will not be re-hired after being laid off, mostly because of our age (and because of our higher wages compared to what our less experienced co-workers are receiving). Instead of us struggling with a lower income from EI (and perhaps welfare when EI runs out), allow "pre-seniors” to start receiving their OAS and GIS earlier. Our pension incomes would likely be significantly higher than EI benefits. Transitioning our vulnerable demographic into retirement and thereby “socially distancing” us from workplaces could also help reduce pressure on the health care system.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Buchanan
  • Fair Canadian Pension Plan For All Canadians
    We are over the age of 60 and were forced our of the work force because of health reason. They offer help to those that have just lost their jobs for 15 weeks how ever we are left behind. Now with Covid-19 we can't even go look for part time work. I believe we are not alone with this short fall in CPP. We are unseen by our Government and will get no help .
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Bourgeois
  • Let's respond to Coronavirus
    We need to be smart about how we respond to the pandemic. And consider the costs. Our short-term costs may turn out resulting in the greatest benefits long term. At the very least, we need to buy ourselves time to come up with an effective longer term plan.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francesca Cogorno
  • Tourism Companies To Pay Travel Agents
    They have until 2022 to pay us. Now, most of us worked all last year for our Spring Break departures. Some of us may die before 2022, they should pay us what we are owed, since they are keeping our clients money. Since we are employed mostly commission based we do not qualify for EI or any other compensation from the government!
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie H Picture
  • Put Advanced First Aiders/Responders to work to assist frontline staff with COVID-19
    Our Doctors and nurses deserve our support and they are not only going to be dealing with Covid-19 but also with regular health problems (injuries and illnesses). People with EMR, OFA3, or 80AWFA should be asked to do some emergency basic training ASAP. In the sector of Adventure Tourism; mountain guides, ski patrollers, marine guides, river guides etc., certainly have essential training and skills to offer if/when/where the system is ready for this untapped and poised resource. Also, it's worth mentioning that many people in Adventure Tourism also have Class 4, 3, or 2 Drivers licences and might be wanted for emergency transport.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Førstved
  • If Covid-19 doesn't get your attention, nothing will.
    Climate change isn't a mysterious force, it's a whole bunch of known forces happening all at once, more and more with no chance to recover. Literally death from a thousand cuts with billions of lives. Entire sectors are being wiped out, and what we need to realize is that there is no "after Corona Virus", there will be something else, and then something else on and on. When we say climate emergency, we mean act now. Acting now means rapidly shifting our economy. We don't have time to nickel and dime who gets helped and who doesn't. The super rich got us into this mess, and it's their turn to bail everyone else out for a change. Every Canadian deserves to not have to panic about money while the government makes the rapid changes necessary to shore up our health care and social services infrastructure, and shift our economy away from fossil fuels immediately without leaving anyone behind. We can see what terrible damage slashing social services and ignoring the warnings of experts can bring, and now we know that no one is safe from the consequences.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saryn Caister