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To: The BC Provincial Government

Save the Vancouver Island Corridor with a continuous multi-use trail

There is an 18-month BC Government funded discussion among the Regional Districts and First Nations on the 289 km Island Corridor about the options for its future use. The corridor is an irreplaceable public transportation asset. The BC government needs to make it clear that a continuous active transportation trail on the corridor would be considered an appropriate way to save and use the corridor.

A study funded by the Federal Active Transportation Fund found that the project was feasible and was by far the lowest cost transportation option for the corridor. It would encourage carbon free active transportation and would benefit low impact tourism, the Island economy and health and wellness. The same fund has $400 million set aside for active transportation with up to $50 million per project.

Why is this important?

The Island Corridor is an irreplaceable public asset. Unless a continuous transportation use is found for it, it could be broken up. Many people thought rail service was needed to keep the corridor intact but all over the world unused rail corridors like this one are being saved for public use by converting them to highly successful active transportation routes as multi use trails. Now that rail service has stopped on the Island Corridor for 11 years for safety reasons there is an opportunity to do a rail trail here as a safe local alternative transportation option and a world class low impact tourism attraction. Let's make it happen!


2023-09-20 14:58:11 -0400

10 signatures reached