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To: Cynthia Davis, CEO, Lakeridge Health

Keep Medical Services Public

Expanding medical clinics and medical services within hospitals or having such services operated by hospitals (by increasing hospital funding), is cheaper, more effective and provides more accountability than private sector funding. Profit also should never take precedence over quality of care.

If we can flood hospital CEOs with a wave of public pressure from local community members — calling on them to reject Ford's privatization plans — it could be enough for CEOs to speak out against his plans.

Why is this important?

Hospital CEOs hold a significant amount of sway with the government — and for the most part they don't hear from the public. Right now, most hospital CEOs haven't rejected Ford's privatization plans. In fact, a couple of them have actually spoken out in support of it. But they haven't heard from the community their hospital serves.

Oshawa, ON, Canada

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2023-05-12 16:14:59 -0400

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2023-05-04 08:15:49 -0400

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